Exciting news! As previously mentioned my main barbecue cracked under intense heat caused by an over ambitious cook out. Like the government, I did't want to let a good crisis go to waste and used it as an excuse to build a smoker. I had to get my dad, who will build it, on side. The exciting news is that after I showed him the amateurish plan that I drew, he seemed very enthusiastic and already has most of the materials for the masonry!
Most of the plans I had seen on the net were made from metal, required welding and were huge. Neither I or any of my friends or family can weld. I also have a very small space for it to sit in (the same space as the current barbecue) so most of the plans I saw were out of the question although still very impressive. Here's one here.
I had to get clever and design my own that would fit the space the old one came out of, work as a smoker and barbecue and be made of readily available, cheap, workable materials. After studying different designs and learning the basic principals involved I came up with this. Click it to enlarge.
This is just a plan for the masonry. Notice the staggered slabs that separate the fire chamber from the smoking chamber, this is to stop direct heat from grilling the meat instead of smoking it. The heat will instead rise with the smoke and leave through the stove pipes that will stick out of both sides and wrap around the back before going up. The heat can be controlled by dampers in the stove pipes and at the bottom of the fire chamber. Metal doors will be fitted to the front of the two chambers to contain the heat and smoke. Rails, possibly from an old oven, will be fitted to the sides of the smoking chamber to hold different racks depending on what is being cooked. It has a traditional barbecue on the top as well.
I hope we can get started when the weather is better because the ideas I'm having for cooking in this are fantastic.
Get in!!!
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