Wednesday 15 May 2013

I Have Achieved FUSION!

(Wrote early, posted late)

After an unusually long winter (it’s only just starting to warm up), on the first of May of the year of our lord 2013, thanks to the combined meteorological and astronomical events of a sufficiently close sun and still air surrounding our garden, the first barbie of the year could commence. And I did something special. I’ve always liked burgers and I’ve always liked sausages; to combine the two successfully has been somewhat confounding. Just chucking sausages into the bun with the burger didn’t work. They rolled out the sides and the thing didn’t hold together properly. I’ve tried mixing sausage meat and minced beef. This was actually very nice and I’d recommend it but that’s not what I meant when combining burgers and sausage. One of the things I like best about sausage is the fact that the skin holds in the juices and gives a satisfying pop when you bite into it, so that won’t do.
Then it came to me one cold windy night when I couldn’t sleep properly. BEHOLD!

Them there are pork and chorizo chipolatas embedded in beef burgers. Oh yes. All the positive attributes of sausages and burgers combined without any of the drawbacks. My friend, knowing I love brown ale bought me some brown ale ice cream earlier in the week. It was lovely and to repay her, my wife and me asked her and her boyfriend over to be the first to try it. Everyone loved it. I served them up in fresh stottie buns with Bavarian smoked cheese (her boyfriend is lactose intolerant but was a good sport and ate it anyway, hope he’s okay), mushrooms, rocket, mayo and English mustard. The mustard might have overpowered the chorizo a bit but it was still great. Next time I’m going to use these African Merguez sausages that our local super market sell. They’re a bit spicier and should stand out more with whatever sauce I use.  Also, 100g of beef per burger wasn’t enough to completely encase the sausages. 200g next time.

Top tip – Parcel up little mushrooms in tin foil and chuck it on the grill so they don’t fall through. Also has a nice steaming effect.

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